영어 회화 발표 자료

2009. 7. 31. 14:33Culture

I'm introduce korea baseball. Korea baseball was started 1982. 6 team was prepared 1981. 6 team is MBC blue dragons of Seoul, Lotte giants of Pusan and Samsung lions of Taegu, OB bears of Daejon and Haitai tigers of Kwangju, Sam mi super stars of Inchon. But now 8 teams. 8 teams is LG twins and Doosan bears of Seoul, Lotte giants of Pusan, SK wybens of Inchon, Hanhwa eagles of Daejon, Samsung lions of Daegu, KIA tigers of Gwangju and Hyundai unicons of Suwon. But Hyundai unicons is not a place related to Suwon. Therefore Suwon's spectators isn't going Suwon sadium. Korea baseball was single league from 1982 to 1998. It's devided magic and dream league from 1999,2000. But It was rechanged single league since 2001. History of korea baseball is short. But korean pitcher is better capability. Park chul soon of pitcher is season 22 successive win world records. Korea baseball is unbalanced hitting and pitching. Therefore Korea team is defending style. But Korea team is best win percent from WBC. Because of America team is power style, Japan team is delicate pitching and hitting, Korea team is slow and breaking ball pitching. Therefore once winner pace is not reversal. A short time ago World wide young baseball classic is Korea team versus America team. Korea teame is win. It is because of that. Korean baseball special feature Lotte giants of Pusan is spectators. This spectators is crazy Lotte fan. They are holligan of baseball. They are not afraid relative team baseball stadium. Therefore freelance like they. And Lotte marin's fan of Jiva is going Seoul and Pusan stadium tour.

함부러 불펌하지 마세요~~ 훗날 책임 못짐~~

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