Content-based Instruction with the Communication in English for Special Purposes

2016. 9. 15. 22:36Education/English


Content-based Instruction with the Communication in English for Special Purposes


Hyeong rak, Park

                  The English teacher must use to teach the peer-interaction with Content-based instruction of Communicative Language Teaching in the specialized vocational high school. When the teacher tries to design the vocational English course, they concern to the student’s language level. Because the student from the specialized vocational high school want to find their job and need to study English for Special Purposes. Therefore, the English teacher must focus on the major content with the English in the imaginary real world. Almost real jobs do not have the lone work.

                  The Ministry of Education in Korea adjures the English teacher to teach Communicative Language Teaching, an approach of Second Language Acquisition pedagogy, to all high school students. The activity of Communicative Language Teaching is almost everything which asks students and English teacher with the communication. The all process of Communicative Language Teaching includes the more interactive activity with each student. For students the English teacher must prepare and give the student the activity authentic material as students work in their future job. Students, therefore, can use the natural language and are in the real world situation.

                  In the vocation English course the English teacher must design their class to consider Content-based Language Instruction with the communication. It is different with Content-based Language Instruction curriculum with the general English. There are Regular English, Practical English, Vocational English in the curriculum of the specialized vocational high school. Vocational English style closes to Adjunct Language Instruction of Content-based Language Instructions. The instruction model of Adjunct Language Instruction combines and links contents about the subject and English as a Foreign Language Course. And focus of evaluation of Adjunct Language Instruction is the content masteries and language skills and functions.

                  Students must know the content, therefore the English teacher prepares the authentic material, if the English teacher’s major is Department of English Education in Vocational English course. Teacher tries to input the vocabulary about contents which is student’s subject to students and then show the video of contents with the job situation and communication. And then teacher makes each student group and order to make the script or document of the job communication about materials. After finishing the script, groups perform the role play as the communication in the real job world, or group announce their document as the presentation after finishing the document. After main activity, teacher give the feedback about English language skills and some contents, and then spectators, other group students, give the peer feedback about their content of subject.

                  Content-based Instruction with the Communication in English for Special Purposes is very important in Korea recently. The Ministry of Education in Korea after the age of President Leemyeong Park interest the internship program that selected students work and learn their job skills in the overseas. Many students who can speak English want to work in Singapore, China, Japan, India and Vietnam as the factory manager. They cannot easy have this chance in Korea because the engineer is a lower value than the job in the office. Thus these students must practice to speak English and their subject together. The main text book and syllabus in Korea EFL environment, however, are designed for the general English naturally and high school regular course. In Korean culture people deal with minorities to specialized vocational high school students. These almost students actually have low level English language skills. For student’s increasing achievement motivation, teacher use Content-based Language Instruction with the communication in Vocational English.
