Teaching Philosophy for Vocational English Students
Teaching Philosophy for Vocational English Students Hyeong rak, Park Students from the vocational high school must be care with different with the general school students from English teachers and education researchers. Because vocational high school students will only find the job after graduating the high school. Therefore, they have the vocational English with general English textbooks and En..
2016.10.02 -
Political Unconscious and Situation Irony - The History Teacher
Political Unconscious and Situation Irony - The History Teacher Students produced the self-interpretation with Political unconscious. The teacher could not input Signified to student’s Imaginary with the teacher’s control as the symbolic. This mean that student’s thinking is different with the teacher’s intention as the ideology. Jacque Derrida said that Signified can freely flow the various of ..
2016.09.28 -
For Happy Future Life
For Happy Future Life Hyeong rak, Park Below the middle class must prepare to meet the concern about their crisis of asset within the framework of individual level. The government do not make the law for the citizen financial security as Depositor Protection Act of the long term fund. Because the citizen, who invests the long term fund or investment for their future, do no have the protect in th..
2016.09.21 -
The Power of Motivation
The Power of Motivation Hyeong rak, Park The English teacher’s behavior and speech must have charisma front of students in Korean class. The teacher’s charisma influences the student’s concentration and atmosphere of class. If the atmosphere of class is distracted with no teacher’s charism, any students do not participate the activity in their group and on or two students study and solve the tas..
2016.09.19 -
Content-based Instruction with the Communication in English for Special Purposes
Content-based Instruction with the Communication in English for Special Purposes Hyeong rak, Park The English teacher must use to teach the peer-interaction with Content-based instruction of Communicative Language Teaching in the specialized vocational high school. When the teacher tries to design the vocational English course, they concern to the student’s language level. Because the student fr..
2016.09.15 -
다독 활동에서의 읽기 습관 변화 연구
다독 활동에서의 읽기 습관 변화 연구 박형락 Introduction 약 3개월간 총 10회 다독을 하면서 이론을 배우고 Reading Journal을 통해 읽기 습과 변화를 체험하는 시간을 가졌다. 본 글은 10회의 다독을 통해 어떤 변화를 본인이 겪었는지를 그동안 작성했던 Reading Journal을 가지고 질적 연구 및 분석을 한다. 분석에 앞서기 전, 그동안 10회 다독에 대한 소감을 하자면, 영어 읽기에 대한 즐거움을 찾을 수 있었다. 그렇지만 영어 교육적으로 스스로에게 영어 읽기 실력 향상에 대한 체감은 크게 느낄 수 없었다. 영어에 대한 자신감과 흥미의 측면에서 효과는 긍정적이라고 할 수 있다. 하지만 평소에 한국말을 사용하고 영어를 특수한 목적으로 혹은 도구로서 사용하는 필자에게 영어 실력..